• For more than 20 years, Wake Forest School of Law has offered degree programs to students and researchers from all over the world. Our academic and degree programs allow international students to cultivate their knowledge and expertise in a community rich with opportunities for connecting with peers and world-renowned faculty.


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    The SJD degree program is a highly selective, non-course directed program designed for LLM-degree holders who want to conduct scholarly research for the purpose of producing a publishable dissertation that uniquely contributes to a specific area of law.

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    Wake Forest School of Law also offers the following academic, non-degree programs for international lawyers:


    The Wake Forest Legal English program allows international legal professionals to improve legal English language skills while learning more about the U.S. and its legal system. Offered in the summer, the program helps students build the knowledge and the confidence to navigate the language of the law, casework, and legal writing.

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    The VIR program provides international lawyers and legal scholars the opportunity to pursue legal studies and research at Wake Forest School of Law for up to one year.

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    If you have any questions about our academic or degree programs, our International Programs staff would love to talk to you. Whether you prefer a telephone call or a video conference, we want to answer your questions so you can pursue the ideal program for you and your career.

     +1 336.758.6116

    Study Abroad

    Wake Forest School of Law offers for-credit study abroad opportunities in London, Venice, and Vienna. Each program provides a comparative view of U.S. law with that of the host country.

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